Monday, May 9, 2011

Mac Antivirus Products

The Mac media is all atwitter with talk of viruses coming to the Mac.  Although one pundit took a few moments to point out that they've been talking of Apple malware for at least 6 years.  

In any case, I thought I'd go over a couple of free choices for Mac Antivirus, for those users who you know will get something.

PC Tools iAntiVirus -
    This tool is perhaps well-known in some circles, but even the Web site notes a 2008 copyright date, and many believe the program hasn't been updated since then, either.  I've installed on my machine for a couple years, and it's never really done anything.  NOT recommended.

GuyOnTheAir's FREE Stuff Rating: 0 of 5
Offer Type: FREE
Cost: FREE
Supported by: Unknown/Generosity of developer
Restrictions: None known
Offer Expiration: None/unknown

ClamXav -
    ClamAV has long been a staple of opensource PC antivirus, and there's been a Mac version for some time that uses the same engine as the PC versions.  I've had this on my home machine for a couple of years, and while I've never gotten any viruses, I also don't know if I would've gotten them without it.  I have used the software repeatedly to scan files that I've downloaded for questionable sources, and no other Mac or PC antivirus has ever argued with what ClamXav had to say!  I do like that definitions files and such appear to be regularly updated.

GuyOnTheAir's FREE Stuff Rating: 3 of 5
Offer Type: FREE
Cost: FREE
Supported by: open source community
Restrictions: None known
Offer Expiration: None/unknown

Sophos Antivirus for Mac Home Edition -
    With the recent "outbreaks" of virus problems, almost every article on the topic ends up quoting something from Sophos.  Of course, Sophos is also hanging out the welcome banner with this free versino of their software for Mac.  Sophos is a respected name in antivirus, so this might be a good pick.

GuyOnTheAir's FREE Stuff Rating: 3 of 5
Offer Type: FREE
Cost: FREE
Supported by: Commercial use fees
Restrictions: Home use only.
Offer Expiration: None/unknown