Tuesday, September 15, 2009

FREE LogMeIn Central features for FREE users

I don't like the forced upgrades of LogMeIn Central!
Recently I posted about how excited I am about LogMeIn. And my excitement has only dwindled in a minor way. It appears, that in an effort to get you to upgrade your LogMeIn to a paid, or "pro" version, or to their new management interface "LogMeIn Central", features are being removed from the free version.

But, if you know how to get there, the features are still available. First, log into your account. Then, use these handy URLs (until they change them or figure out a way to block them, to try to force more upgrades.)

To add or edit users on your account, simply go to:

To edit the groups your computer reside in (useful for allow those users you created above access to groups of computers at once):

Part of the LogMeIn Central upgrade is that it allows you to create "deployment links." These are URLs that you can distribute to whomever, and with a simple click, it'll download the LogMeIn client software, install, and add that computer to your account. Right now, you can use LogMeIn Central for FREE as part of a FREE trial. I encourage you to go and create as many deployments links as you want, now. You can set the links to last forever, and my guess is, they'll continue to work, even after your LogMeIn Central trial expires. Then you can keep the URLs handy. I've created different links for all of my groups I created above. So, a specific link will install and add to my "home" computers, "clients" or "office", or whatever groups you desire.

You can try one of my links, if you'd like to add your computer to my account: https://secure.logmein.com/i?l=en&c=2q10sw812t8c8sny0u5jaq6f4bx30bwze9mwlq03

Now, as these links are meant to get around paying for LogMeIn Central, as part of their free trial period, you can more easily do this stuff in LogMeIn Central, and still pay nothing.

Kudos to LogMeIn for making a great product, and giving it away absolutely FREE for so long. And, I'm enjoying many of the new features found in this latest 4.x.x version. Also, the check box in the installer to keep the machine from going to sleep when LogMeIn is running is ingenious. However, I think it unfortunate that LogMeIn has chosen to take away features of a free product after they'd already given them to us for so long. I understand the concepts of trial and trialware, but these features were included with a FREE version, and we were never told that they would expire, or be going away, as with features that were clearly part of a trial we may or may not have taken part in.

The final word? I don't expect LogMeIn to let these loopholes fly for long (and posts like this one may lead to their sooner demise). However, since I'm an avid LogMeIn proponent and user, I'll be kicking the tires, and attempting to use the product for my needs, and to get around restrictions as long as I can. And you can bet I'll post them here, as I find out about them or discover them. Also, I fear that this may be the beginning of the end for LogMeIn FREE. Even though subscription information for my computers shows my FREE subscriptions not up for renewal until March 15, 2020, I'm not confident that the rules won't change again, and that this FREEbie will not just go the way of the dodo.

GuyOnTheAir's FREE Stuff Rating: 1 of 5
Offer Type: FREE (with gotchas)
Cost: FREE
Supported by: Ads for paid Pro versions
Restrictions: No obvious links to key configuration parts.
Offer Expiration: None/unknown